Shared Visions

Shared Visions è un progetto diretto dal sindacato degli artisti visivi serbi (ULUS) che ha convocato a se le più importanti organizzazioni europee che si stanno occupando di diritti degli artisti come lavoratori. ULUS ha coinvolto Landscape Choerography per il ruolo di supporto e ricerca nell’ambito dell’auto organizzazione artistica di spazi comuni, e per la ricerca svolta da Emanuele Braga nell’ambito delle economie alternative e nuove tecnologie. Il progetto si pone come obiettivo la creazione di una cooperativa per artisti nell’area dei balcani e in rete con i soggetti coinvolti nello spazio europeo, per creare strumenti di economia circolare e alternativa e di supporto reciproco nella produzione e distribuzione delle opere.  Il progetto è finanziato dalla European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

In the last few years, ULUS has made great efforts to research the status of artists in society and their work and living conditions. The result is that most artists need to work in other professions to live and finance the production of artworks, that the little the government has invested in the arts has been reduced further, and that the art market in Serbia and the region is fragile. ULUS’s experience advocating for solutions to actual problems or campaigning for better working conditions against the government till this moment was not very successful. The Visual Artists International Cooperative will be a company owned by its members – artists and cultural practitioners – and democratically managed by them. As a company, it will unapologetically participate in the art market as well as other sectors (education, tourism), developing innovative ways of utilization and marketing. However, as a cooperative, it is non-profit, meaning that all profits are reinvested into the cooperative to meet common needs (e.g., studios, equipment, legal services, pension funds), as decided by the members, for the benefit of its members, and to support the surrounding community. It will also aspire to develop non-market sharing practices among its members, other cooperatives, and local producers of goods and services. To facilitate this, it will utilize digital tools, including Web3 and blockchain technologies, for governance and distribution.

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